Angel’s angel— it doesn’t make sense until you know the story of Angel and Lucinda.

On my recent trip to Kenya, Angel Wakio was asked to speak before the students and those of us who were visiting from CRF. She was a bit nervous but wanted to give her powerful testimony of child sponsorship.

When Angel was in primary school, getting an education wasn’t much of a priority for her. In fact, the day she got chased away from school for not being able to pay school fees didn’t bother her that much. But it bothered her mother—a lot. The pain from feeling like she couldn’t provide for her child led Angel’s mom to Michael Mutai, our CRF director in Mombasa, to see if there was any way to get assistance.

But the family’s problems became even greater. One of Angel’s sisters was accidentally burned by hot oil. Her other sister, who loved school, was sent home for not being able to pay school fees. Bills and expenses got the better of their family. They became helpless. Angel went to work to help her mom. It looked like no one in the family was going to be able to go past primary school. But there was a man of hope, Michael Mutai. He knew the value of child sponsorship. Angel’s younger sister got sponsored. Her older sister got sponsored. But not Angel. And then Lucinda Sinclair entered the story. 

Finally, Angel had a sponsor. Listen to Angel’s own words to Lucinda…

“When darkness had covered our whole lives, a bright light came shining. It brightened and revived the hope that was almost laid to rest. God sent us an angel. And the angel came in the form of you, Lucinda. You gave my mum hope and all the family. My mum was very sick by then, and it got worse. In May 2017, she rested in peace. It was so hurtful that when joy comes, sadness takes it away. And then you wrote me a letter, and you sympathized with me. That’s when I knew how much you cared for me.

Now I’ve realized what a big impact you put into my life. I’ll forever be grateful. I really don’t know if I could have ever joined high school without your help. Thank you very much. God never promised a life without challenges. What He promised us is that He will be with us in every step we take, and He will never leave or forsake us. I wish to be a motivational speaker and counselor, just like you, because that is how we get to know what other people are facing.”

Do you get it? Angel’s angel. Thanks, Lucinda.

