Christian Relief Fund is all about hope. But with the coronavirus and economic downfalls, it’s easy to lose hope. Let me tell you how I find hope in hopeless days. I remember the nature of God. That’s what makes me hopeful. I remember three aspects of the character of God. I’ll write them down and stare at them. I’ll say them out loud over and over again. I’ll meditate on them. I’ll even tell them to other people.

Here you go…

God is with you. God is in control. God is good. 

God is with you at all times. He is in control not you. And His nature is good not bad. If you can remember the nature of God, I think you can find hope. And if you can find hope, maybe you can give hope. 

My hope is for all of us to find ways of doing compassionate things. It may be social distancing as a way to love people by not exposing them to the virus. You may work in the medical world where you put your life on the line to show the love of Christ. Maybe you are supplying groceries, masks, or a kind phone call to someone who needs a little help. Maybe you are helping feed one of our CRF kids. 

CRF has partnered to help provide protective equipment for medical workers in Indonesia. 

Pray for our CRF children in areas of the world where this virus seems even more unfair. When my daughter-in- law and two grandkids got the coronavirus in Indonesia, I woke up to the reality of this whole pandemic in a new way. Thankfully they have now fully recovered.

I want to also say that I’m sorry for your losses. I know things might be difficult for you in isolation, coupled with financial setbacks. 

Please join me and believe that there is still hope. And it’s found in the nature of God. When you look at the pictures on the inside of this newsletter, there are faces of hope. And none of this could be happening without your compassion in this epidemic.

