Luka was his name. He was an elder of a tribe in Barwessa. He had asked me to sit down with him and have some tea. I thought it might be safe—especially since we had just drilled for some clean water. Luka had some things on his mind. He wanted to have a little talk. 

I first knew of the dilemma of Barwessa the day I heard that kids there were eating rats. They had no other food because they had no water. It was a big famine. Only the rats were surviving. 

Christian Relief Fund went there and drilled six water wells. Then we planted a church. And we started a school. Things were indeed looking up in Barwessa. Luka wanted to talk about it. 

“What I needed was always here. I just didn’t know it until you came,” Luka said. 

He explained that the water was always right below his feet. It was exactly what he needed. But he simply didn’t know it was there. He didn’t know until we came and drilled the wells. 

“What I needed was always here. I just didn’t know it until you came,” Luka said. 

And then he further explained that God was always there too. He just didn’t know it. It wasn’t until we came and told him about Jesus that he found exactly what he needed. 

He thanked me in Jesus’ name over some clean water. He said, “I’m so glad you came!” 

