What do you do with the rest of your life?

If you are 67, it’s about time to rest and retire—unless you are Kenneth Vaughn. Then, it is time to go to Africa.

Certainly, all of us want to end well. And that is why we need to pay attention to the life of Kenneth Vaughn.

Kenneth was a long-term board member of CRF along with his wife, Nova and daughter-in-law, Linda Purdy. He was a great supporter and encouragement to Christian Relief Fund in all kinds of ways.

No one had the spirit of CRF more than Kenneth. And when Kenneth turned 67, he took off for Africa along with Nova to help start CRF works and save a bunch of orphaned children. Kenneth was a pioneer in starting our first African works. He helped us plant our first African ministry in Kitale, Kenya. Later he helped us establish CRF works in Mbale and Kampala, Uganda.

Isaac Sanyu, our CRF director in Kampala remembered Kenneth in this way:

“Ken was always there for anybody. He was a great listener and loved sharing a lot. He preached on several occasions and his sermons were so precious as they came from deep down in his heart. As he preached, tears would always flow down his cheeks–tears of love for people. He was always very practical. Anything that broke, he could fix it. His smile and laughter were priceless because they stemmed from purity and honesty. He had a load of integrity. I am proud and honored to be among the people to call Ken, “Grandpa.” I thank God, I thank Nova and the entire Vaughn clan for having shared Ken with us.”

As Ken finished this part of his life, he has left a legacy of children who are still being rescued and given us an example of how to finish our lives well. At his recent memorial, Shawn Tyler, who worked with Kenneth in Mbale, told it well when he said that Kenneth embodied the love that Paul mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13. In fact, he substituted Kenneth’s name for love and read the passage—and it worked perfectly.

There’s no better way to remember Kenneth than to make a memorial gift to help a CRF child in his honor.

Give a Gift in Memory of Kenneth


