Do you remember that VBS song “Roll the Gospel Chariot Along?” If someone is in the road, what do you do? You stop and pick him up. That song could have been written about Moise Toussaint.

Moise Toussaint is our CRF director in Cap Hatien, Haiti. He takes care of 600 children, directs an old folks home, preaches at a church, does welding and even leads a marching band for children.

Here’s how I first met Moise. Shortly after the Haiti earthquake, I arrived to help with the disaster. We were driving a huge truck from Port au Prince to Cap Haitien to get medicine and tents. It was a twelve-hour drive through mountains and bandits on some of the worst roads imaginable. By the time we got to Cap Hatien, we had been robbed. We were lost and on the side of the road.

A man on a motorcycle saw our dilemma. And he stopped to help us with directions, maintenance and encouragement. After a bit, we introduced ourselves to each other. To my amazement, it was Moise, our CRF director. It was my first time to Haiti, and I had not met him yet. And he had no idea who I was when he stopped to help. He was simply a Good Samaritan.

On a more recent occasion, Moise and his wife, Altagrace, were on a street in Cap Hatien when they saw a couple ride by on a motorcycle.They had a little child on the bike. A little while later, they noticed that the child was wandering around the streets. The adults were gone. They had just dropped the child off and abandoned him.

Once more, Moise picked the child up. They took him to the police, but they were not able to find out where he came from. In the end, Moise and Altagrace adopted him. His name is Wilkens, and he is the cutest kid you have ever seen.

Moise just keeps picking up abandoned and misfortunate children in Haiti. Our work there has grown by hundreds during the last year. And a bunch of them need sponsors.

Would you stop and pick up one of these children for sponsorship?

– Milton Jones, CRF President

