We have been overwhelmed by the prayers and support of our donors to have helped us drill more than 75 wells in Kenya. You have enabled us to bring clean water and the Living Water to those in desperate need! As you read the following stories of impact, join with us in thankfulness for what God has already done and in prayer for the millions more who still lack access to clean water.


The 1000+ Masai people in this area have not had access to clean water ever since their hand dug wells dried up more than 10 years ago.  They were walking many miles for water and every attempt to dig for more water was unsuccessful. Once we started drilling, we understood why getting water here was so difficult.  The terrain is very rough.  The town is very remote.  And the geology makes finding water very difficult.   But we are praising God that, through all of the trials, we were able to find plentiful water at Miton that has no risk of drying up!

Chepkongony High School

Chepkongony High School helps orphans and vulnerable children escape the cycle of poverty through education. It was a great school, but it had a big problem. There was no water available on campus! Students were having to leave their studies to fetch water from up to 3 miles away. Now there is plenty of water for the students and the surrounding community of more than 600 people. The students now have more time for their studies and no longer miss school due to illness from drinking contaminated water. The whole community is praising God for His great gifts!


This community of 900 people was traveling up to 6 miles in search of water.  CRF partnered with the local church to drill a borehole that is capable of providing 300 gallons of water per minute!  The water is now being used for drinking, cooking and farming.  It has made a huge impact on the health and vitality of the community and has already given the local church tons of opportunities to preach the gospel to those who visit the well!  The people are praising God for the water He has provided through His people!


This well serves a community of around 500 people in an area of Turkana where it has not rained in more than 4 years!  Before this well people were walking more than 3 miles in 100 degree temperatures for water.  When the tribesmen came to celebrate this well, they began praising God for every single way that clean water would change their community.  Now their goats do not suffer from dehydration.  Now their children walk to school instead of walking for water.


This well was drilled on the campus of Suzy Peacock High School, a CRF program near Eldoret, Kenya.  This boarding school houses hundreds of orphans who are supported by CRF sponsors.  Until this well was drilled, the staff were having to fetch water from off campus.  Now the school has plentiful, pure drinking water for the students, faculty and community.  Our sponsored children have lived lives filled with fear about how their basic needs will be met.  We are so grateful that we can now provide them with hope and security by giving constant access to clean water.  It is a beautiful picture of the greater hope they have in Christ!


Before drilling at Kapchamuswo, the community of 1,500 told us they were traveling up to 10 miles for water during the dry season!  This backbreaking chore was preventing children, especially girls, from being able to attend school. Now the community is praising God, the children are going to school and the community is drinking clean water!  Now we see children carrying school books instead of 40 pound jerry cans.  Praise God!  There is hope in Kapchamuswo!

Lurare Orphans’ Day School

This well was drilled at a CRF school near Lurare, Kenya.  The school is in a remote area where people walk up to 2 miles each day to find a source of clean water.  Before the well, our students would have to take time away from studies to fetch water.  Now they can focus on learning because there is a clean and plentiful source of water right on the school grounds!  This well is such a blessing to our students and the community of 800+ that live around our campus.  In fact, our students were so excited when the drilling rig came that they all went outside and began drawing pictures of the rig to send to their sponsors!


Every dollar given will be matched to provide water to another community in need.  For every $5 you give, one more person will get clean water!

