Jared Odhiambo, Kotieno Thomas, and James Were from Kisumu, Kenya decided to go on a picnic. As they walked up the road, they came upon a man beating a boy.

“Why are you beating the boy?” they asked.

“Because he stole from me,” replied the man.

“How much did he steal from you?” It was approximately 5 to 10 cents in US money.

They asked the boy, “Did you steal from this man?”

“Yes,” was the reply.

“Why?” They asked.

“Mommy and Daddy both died of HIV/AIDS, and my grandmother is too sick to take care of me.” At this the young men noticed a crowd of other children gathering. They were also hungry children.

Jared, James, and Thomas asked the man if he would stop beating the boy if they repaid him for his loss. After agreement they gave the man the money; then they divided up all the food they had brought for the picnic, gave it to all the children there, and invited them to come to church the next day where they would give them more food and teach them about God.

After working a deal with the elders at the church to allow them to use the building, the three young men worked at breaking rocks to earn enough money to feed the children porridge and to teach them the Bible every day. Ring Road Orphans Day School was born.

Then CRF started sponsoring the children there. The same three young men are still dedicated to the work of Ring Road Orphans Day School. The school now teaches first through eighth grade and has nearly 400 children. There is even a high school where children attend, and some have even been to university!

One of CRF’s biggest sponsorship programs started with one child who needed a break. When you sponsor, even a single child, you never know how God is going to multiply it.

— Sandy Roberts is a long time CRF sponsor and one of Ring Road Orphans Day School’s first supporters.





