Have you ever looked back and been able to pinpoint one thing that seemed to change everything else? Maybe it was a job opportunity in a new city, a chance meeting with an old friend, or a word of encouragement spoken at just the right time. A day that starts off like any other can become the day that—when you look back years later—changed the course of your life.

Verna, a sponsored child in Kenya, has had one of those experiences too.

And it came in the form of a goat.

Verna joined the CRF program in 2012. At just 10 years old, she had already lost both of her parents to AIDS. She was living with her elderly grandmother and young sister in a small hut with no electricity or running water.

Verna (R) with her grandmother and little sister

Verna’s life already took a major positive turn when she got sponsored. But then her sponsors went a step further and decided to buy her a goat!

While a goat might seem like a relatively small thing, to Verna and her family it represented a life-changing opportunity. The milk from the goat could provide extra nutrition for Verna and her sister. And the excess milk could be sold in the market to purchase other items the family needed.

Verna was very responsible and worked hard every day to take good care of her goat. And after a couple of years, she had saved enough money from selling her goat’s kids to buy a cow!

This cow has already produced a calf, not to mention a lot more milk than her goat! The profits from extra milk alone have been enough for Verna’s grandmother to pay for all of her school fees.

This has allowed Verna to move on from our sponsorship program so another child in need could be sponsored. Amazing!

We are so proud of CRF children like Verna who work incredibly hard to nurture the opportunities that have been given to them.

Verna will soon finish high school and her future is bright. We can’t wait to see what she does in the years to come!

It is so inspiring to see how God multiplied the blessing of a goat to completely transform Verna’s life! A small investment of $50 can make an impact that is felt for years to come!


