From West Texas to Kenya
In June, the team traveled as part of study abroad program to Eldoret with CRF, accompanied by two professors and one administrator, to install a rainwater harvesting system. Their project represented the culmination of months of preparation and design using information provided by CRF’s Hope Water Africa (HWA) project.
GOD Loves Orphans!
I like reading different translations of the Bible. Sometimes you will get a new insight with a new version. As a result, I…
MAMA Doing Good
Barbie and I had the rare privilege of meeting with the First Lady of Kenya, and we didn’t even have to go to…
Hope Revisited
Hope. I talk so much about it, but I’m afraid that at times I get hope confused with postponement. Maybe we all do….
AIDS–A Journey to Hope
When I first went to Africa in 2005 to teach about HIV/AIDS, my biggest surprise was that I seemed to know more about…
What do you want for Christmas?
“If you could have anything in the world, what would you want?” That’s the question Larry Wu asked all of the CRF children…
2014 Year End Letter – Milton Jones
2014 was a great year! If you haven’t read our Annual Report yet, you can find it here. Here is a year end…
Meet Vincent Ojuok
Vincent is one of the Clinical Officers at the Jones-Ringroad VCT and Health Clinic. He has held that post since 2011. He has…
4 Million New AIDS Orphans
Sponsor an AIDS Orphan Today! “Over Medicalized.” That’s what they are calling the response to the current AIDS pandemic. At the 19th International…
‘Christmas will be Different’
Christian Relief Fund started a new program in Kimilili, Kenya this past July. Milton had heard about Kimilili and visited this impoverished area…
About Christian Relief Fund
CRF is a non-profit relief organization based in Amarillo, Texas with a focus on holistic programs to rescue orphans and vulnerable children from poverty.
CRF operates child sponsorship programs in over 25 countries and is dedicated to providing food, clean water, healthcare and disaster relief to the glory of God worldwide.